Coco Pith Briquettes

Coco coir briquettes are a compressed form of coir and are made from processed fibers and coir dust, a byproduct of the coir fiber industry. They come in a variety of sizes and can be purchased in quantities that meet your needs. Coir is often compressed into briquettes to facilitate easy transportation. When the block is saturated, it can expand up to six times its size.

While your coco coir briquette is soaking, you can help the process along by breaking off softer chunks as the coir absorbs the water. You may notice that your water looks muddy or that the coir is not expanding in the way that you’d hoped; when all of the coir is exposed, it will absorb the water, and you’ll be left with the coir fibers. Once the coir is reconstituted, it will remain loose even after it dries.
